The Dwarf Alberta Spruce is a perfect cone shaped evergreen displaying dense gray green needles which are soft to the touch. The slow growth of this conifer make it an excellent choice as a tub plant or miniature Christmas tree if kept tightly clipped. The Alberta spruce only grows to 6 to 8 feet if not pruned, but can be trimmed to practically any size and shape. This Picea variety would be an excellent living Christmas tree for a senior citizen or any loved one who would have difficulty handling a larger cut tree. The dense growth of this spruce variety means its also a great screen plant that wont overgrow tight spaces. The Alberta spruce is also a beautiful choice for woodland gardens or behind water features where rich green is desired. Hardy to USDA zone 2 and all higher zone, so can take lots of cold. It does prefer afternoon shade, especially in extreme summer areas. Keep consistently moist. Inside for the holidays, plant outside in the spring. Indoors place the spruce in a sunny, yet cool location.
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