says of this rather unusual rose: 
Blooms in flushes throughout the season.  
USDA zone 6b through 9b (default).  
Patent status unknown (to HelpMeFind).
If you know the parentage of this rose, or other details, please contact us.
This rose is named Chris Warner by Heritage Rose Garden in San Jose, CA but in actuality we think it may go by another name and possibly gets this name from the breeder Chris Warner. Or possibly it was named after Chris Warner. This rose is for all practical purposes unknown and thus rare. One thing is for sure though is that this is an incredible rose. It has large many peteled snow white blooms of cabbage shape. It is very disease free, lush growing. tolerates shade and is remostant in habit. All in all a wonderful gem of a rose. There is no garantee how much cold it will tolerate and HMF lists a 6-9 zone as a default only. We have been growing this rose in the shade of a grape arbor and a James Galway climber and it does wonderfully well with blooms all season long. This is a wonderful rose!