Tobacco (Nicotiana spp.) is a large group of plants in the nightshade family (Solanaceae). A few species are quite attractive and have been used as garden ornamentals for a long time. N. sylvestris is one such species with large, dramatic leaves and showy, fragrant clusters of pendent white flowers that look like a burst of fireworks. Native to northwestern Argentina, this short lived tender perennial is only hardy to zone 10 (although it may survive further north if protected) and grows so rapidly that it is generally used as an annual.
In Victorian gardens, it was planted along walkways and paths in so that those strolling by could enjoy the fragrance of the flowers and in modern times it was given the Royal Horticultural Society’s Award of Garden Merit. It is also one of the parents of commercial tobacco that is a hybrid of two or three species and only exists in cultivation. Some common names for this herbaceous species include flowering tobacco, night scented tobacco, South American tobacco, and woodland tobacco. The most common cultivar is ‘Only the Lonely’, whose name supposedly refers to it being so tall that it stands out from everything else.
N. sylvestris grows quickly from seed, attaining a height of 3-5 feet and spreading up to 2 feet across at the base. Wide, oblong leaves to 18” long are produced in a dense basal rosette. In partial shade, the leaves are much larger and a deeper green than on plants grown in full sun, which may look almost chartreuse. The rough-textured leaves are covered with glandular hairs that make them feel sticky and may cause dermatitis in sensitive individuals. The bright green leaves have clasping or winged petioles, that surround the stem – these are most noticeable on the upper leaves. In midsummer the plant produces a central flower spike that grows rapidly several feet tall. The leaves along the erect stem decrease in size up the stem. The stems and root systems are strong enough that the plants can lean at severe angles without toppling over or requiring staking, although branches can break at the base in strong storms or under very windy conditions.
Copious amounts of tiny seed are produced from each pollinated flower, held in a rounded capsule surrounded by the persistent calyx. The very small brown seeds are ovoid to kidney shaped. This species self-seeds readily but the seedlings are easy to identify and pull if unwanted, so volunteers are not a big problem in gardens in cold climates. This can be problematic in other areas where it can naturalize in open, disturbed areas.
N. sylvestris grows best in full sun but will tolerate partial shade. It thrives in all types of soils with moderate moisture requirements but prefers rich soils, so amend planting sites generously with compost if possible. It is easily grown from seed, either sown indoors 6-8 weeks before the last average frost or sown directly in the garden after the last frost.
Surface sow the seeds and barely cover, as they need light to germinate. At least 12 hours of light per day is necessary for the seeds to germinate. Germination should occur in 1½-3 weeks. Seedlings should be transplanted into the garden after the last frost. The tiny seedlings can quickly fill a 3-4 square foot area, so give them room.