- erial:NFC cards are made of waterproof PVC with a smooth, writable surface, detachable back for easy fixing and storage box.
- Compatibility: Whether you're using them with or your NFC-enabled phone, these cards are guaranteed to work seamlessly. The cards are also rewritable, which means you can use them over and over again to store different data and inforion (Am can only be edited once and cannot be reused).
- The NFC blank tag uses the NTAG215 chip with 504 bytes of memory and can be read and written over 100,000 times, please note that it is not suitable for use in strong magnetic environment
- Further applications:You can use NFC stickers to create Am Cards. You can get any weapon, pet, mount or fashion item you want. Quickly share your social messages, music, connect to WiFi, create a smart home and more!
- Easy to Operate:You can hover your phone over the 215 coin tags for ease of use and the data will be autoically entered into your phone.