A low maintenance, eco-friendly solution for sunny parts of your yard. Ecoturf Perennial Peanut is a groundcover with beautiful orange-yellow flowers. Eco-turf propagates through its rhizomes. Creating its own nitrogen, it needs very little care once established. Once established Ecoturf offers true drought tolerance, no need for supplemental nitrogen or phosphorous fertilizer and requires very little mowing. Ecoturf ornamental perennial peanut is a rhizome-based plant and does best in full sun areas (minimum of six hours of direct sunlight per day) and well-drained soil. It can be used as a “grass replacement” in yards, in medians, roadsides, parking lot islands, golf courses, and more, anywhere that you find full-sun. Eco Turf is now found growing in medians, right of ways, home landscape beds, and as an alternative to turf in lawns. Eco Turf grows well in full to mostly sun, in most soil types, and requires average to low water needs. Can be mowed frequently if desired and will acually bloom heavier and longer. Eco Turf makes it's own fertilzer by capturing nitrogen from the air. This groundcover is obviously easy to grow and has low maintenance requirements. Ecoturf is used around homes, in highway medians, for erosion control and in water restricted areas amongst the many places. The only area we would not recommend ornamental peanut is in the shade. With proper care perennial peanut will stay at about 4? in height.