This listing is for Superman/Batman: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Special Edition #1 Comic Book.  

This FREE special edition of SUPERMAN/BATMAN #1 by best-selling author Jeph Loeb celebrates the premiere of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, in theaters March 25, 2016.

After a quick origin recap of our world's finest heroes, a new, improved Metallo has come on his birthday to attack both Metropolis and Gotham, bringing the guardians of each city together for a monumental battle! Plus, Lex Luthor assembles a mysterious super-team assigned to "help" the Man of Steel. Superman and Batman get drawn into a case of catching Metallo.

This is a preview comic. Just like a movie preview, there is just enough there to hopefully get you interested enough to buy the rest. It runs less than thirty pages and some of those are ads. The story was a nice start. I enjoyed the way they told the basic origins of both at the same time. We all know these bits so it was nice to see it presented in a new way. The small ways that were used to show the different approaches of the two heroes was handled nicely as well. The double cliffhanger (yes, two major plot points are left hanging) should definitely make the reader want to continue the story.

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