Dive into the magical world of Disney with this enchanting collection of 55 stories. Each tale brings beloved characters to life, from Mickey Mouse to Dumbo, offering a journey through whimsical adventures and timeless lessons. The hardcover edition is filled with vibrant illustrations, making it a delightful treasure for young and old alike.

• Hardcover edition
• 55 stories included
• Illustrated with colorful pictures
• Disney characters featured
• Adapted from Disney films

Golden Book Walt Disney's Story Land is a collection of 55 classic Disney stories, including Cinderella, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Peter Pan, and The Jungle Book. The stories are beautifully illustrated and are perfect for bedtime reading.
The book was first published in 1962 and has been reprinted many times. It is a popular choice for children of all ages and is a great way to introduce them to the magic of Disney.
Here are some of the stories included in the book:
Cinderella, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Sleeping Beauty, Peter Pan, The Jungle Book, Alice in Wonderland, The Aristocats, 101 Dalmatians, The Rescuers, The Fox and the Hound
Golden Book Walt Disney's Story Land is a timeless classic that will be enjoyed by children for generations to come. It is a must-have for any Disney fan.

• Vintage

Condition: Pre-Owned

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