Size is 4"x4" x 2" Tall This replica of the United States White house is personally made from printed plastic. This is representing the historic building is Washington DC and makes a great gift for anyone interested in presidents or the white house. I am constantly working on making new products such as this other building in the US capital and appreciate any support that you have! Thank you for supporting my small business and feel free to message me if you have any requests!

  • Size is 4"x4" x 2" Tall
  • This replica of the United States White house is personally made from printed plastic. This is representing the historic building is Washington DC and makes a great gift for anyone interested in presidents or the white house.
  • I am constantly working on making new products such as this other building in the US capital and appreciate any support that you have!
  • Thank you for supporting my small business and feel free to message me if you have any requests!