Get everything you need to clean a pistol with Hoppe's Pistol Cleaning Kits. These cleaning kits include a one-piece aluminum cleaning rod, a two ounce bottle of Hoppe's No. 9 Gun Bore Cleaner, one 2.25 ounce Hoppe's Traditional Lubricating Oil, patches, and the cleaning rod accessories to get a pistol clean. The caliber specific kits include a nylon brush, nylon slotted end, and nylon jag.
Hoppe's No. 9 Cleaning Solvent, 2 ounce
Hoppe's Lubricating Oil, 2.25 ounce
One-Piece Aluminum Cleaning Rod with ball bearing swivel handle to follow the bore's rifling
Slotted Patch Holder
Knob End (JAG)
9mm Bore Brush
50 9mm Square Cleaning Patches