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Rare receipt for $602.00 dollars for inflated supplies for the Noland Plantation( Sligo) in Adams County,Mississippi. The Plantation Supplier is Smith & Parsons located in Warren County Vicksburg,Mississippi and dated Feburary 8th 1865
Ref: Pearce Noland passed away in 1857, at age 68, and is buried in the Batchelor-Noland Cemetery at Sligo, his plantation in Mississippi. He essentially willed his estate equally to his wife (named in the will as “Elizabeth Noland”) and two of his sons: T.V. & Henry. His other children were left $100 each, except for Elizabeth Norwood, who received $8,000. His son T.V. Noland was named sole executor.

7' 1/2 x 8 1/2 inches