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For your consideration I have a 1941 Sphinx High School yearbook from the Centralia High School of Centralia Illinois. This yearbook belonged to junior Maria Chivario who was quite a popular young lady in the good sense as inscriptions from fellow students are notated throughout this great yearbook. What is ever so special about this edition is it is has a striking patriotic theme reflecting the impending US involvement in the war ravaging Europe and naturally Pearl Harbor on December 7th.

For the young men who graduated that year it was a short honeymoon of youthful endeavors and aspirations before war in Europe and the South Pacific engulfed their lives, many who tragically and heroically lost them as well. …But that being said it still was a great time to live in America. No need for cops to be in the high school. No school shootings while segregated schools were actually preforming at high academic levels.  At sporting events no one knelled for the flag… Boys were Boys and Girls were Girls and school prayer was part of the daily routine.


Please take a moment to examine my other Centralia Illinois yearbooks from the same girl in my E-Bay store.