VEVOR Clear PVC Strip Curtain
Walk this way to a world of crystalclarity. Our strip curtain, crafted from tough-as-nails PVC, givesyou that open-door feel without actually having to leave your dooropen.
This PVC strip curtain is like aninvisible superhero shield for your space and laughs in the face ofwear and tear. Say goodbye to pesky flies and unwanted dust.
Why let your AC dollars float out thedoor? Our plastic strip curtain plays goalie with your indoortemps, bouncing the outside weather where it belongs -outside.
Meet the bracket of our plastic doorstrip - tough stainless steel that stands up to wear, high temps,and the dread of rust and water. Yep, they're here for the longhaul!
Ready to install without breaking asweat? First, install the clear PVC strips on the holders and mountthe bracket. Then, snap the strip holders onto the bracket. Andta-da! Your curtain is up and ready to roll.