Realms (Red) Playing Cards
All beings experience rebirth within the six realms. Desires and
ignorance culminate in karma that determines whether beings will
reincarnate in the realm of the devas, asuras, or the realms of the
animals, the hungry ghosts or hell. Nirvana awaits those who are born
into the realm of the humans.
The Realms Playing Cards
portrays a visual allegory of Samsara, the beginning-less cycle of
rebirth through a clean and classic stylistic form that exudes a
distinctive Oriental perspective.
This is a fully custom deck of playing cards featuring:
- Gold and silver foil on tuck case
- Metallic gold and silver ink on cards
- Custom foil seal
- Embossing on tuck case
- Custom court cards (JQK), Jokers and Aces
- Printed by Expert Playing Card Company (EPCC) on their Damask Finish paper stock
- Neither version will be reprinted