



THIS IS A SPELL CALLED "Fueling the Fires", and the spell draws in sacred energies that promotes "fueling the fire energies that will grant one physical strengths, assistance in new beginnings, enhancing Magick and successes, energy distribution and the manifestation of dreams and desires!" Albina says that much like the "Vital Fires" this spell will also promote "enlightenment and progress as well!!!" This amazing spell has three elements:

Kindling for Fire: This first element will lend POTENT energies to the "fire" energies, which are named this due to their "bright orange" color when viewed!  This charge of great power will not only promote greater physical health, ability and endurance for the bearer, one will also find that when one is beginning new projects or paths "there is greater immediate success and an ease in the transition and adjustment to change".  Albina adds that the results of "change" are also "lent a potent charge to speed results" and one will find one's paths to bear "more fruit and less frustration" as a result of this element's power!

The Growing Flames: This  second element draws the sacred and vast energies that grant the bearer a multi direction energy distribution of the "fire energies". Albina says that this EMPOWERING act will bring forth a greater prismatic energy that doubles the intensity and activates one's chakras, clears one's aura, allows for better reception of positive energies, enhances communication and lends energy to personal skills, strengths, Magick and Magickals!!"  She adds that one will also find that they feel "a great increase in personal power, sense of self and confidence" as this energy "allows one to shine from within by illuminating one's inner fires!"

The Fire Within: The final element of this amazing spell will harness and distribute the powerful "fire" energies that "open the mind and bring forth light" thus allowing the bearer to manifest dreams and direct these energies towards desires and goals! Albina says that one will gain a "deeply spiritual connectiom with one's higher, true self that can grant one the ability to connect with "enlightment available from 'the other side'!" She adds that this element "bestows amazing inner strengths for the bearer by tapping into one's greatest attributes, wisdom and abilities that will guide and lead one towards the fruition of one's most desirable goals!"