Squash Winter Blue Hubbard or Cucurbita maxima

Open Pollinated Heirloom 10 Seeds

Non-GMO - US grown - Open-pollinated - Untreated

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This popular Hubbard type, Blue Hubbard, produces football-shaped fruits that weigh up to 30 pounds. This variety has blue-gray skin and fine-textured orange flesh that matures in about 110 days. This variety is sweet-flavored and delicious in pies or steamed or baked. Great storing quality!

Sowing: Gardeners with short growing seasons may want to start Blue Hubbard Winter squash seeds indoors a month before the last expected frost. Since squashes do not take well to transplanting, peat pots are the best option. Plant two seeds per pot, later clipping off the weaker seedling. Harden the seedlings by exposing them to the weather for several hours at a time during the week before transplanting. About a week after the last frost or when the soil temperature reaches an average of 60 degrees F, plant the seedlings in very rich soil 8-10' apart in rows 10-12' apart. Another option is to plant the seedlings in hills of two, 8-10' apart. To direct sow, plant the seeds a week after frost 1/2" deep, 3-4' apart and thin to 8-10' apart. For companion planting benefits, plant Blue Hubbard Winter squash seeds along with corn but avoid planting them with potatoes.

Growing: Since squash seedlings do not tolerate frost, provide protective coverings if cold weather threatens. Keep the soil moist at all times, but avoid getting the leaves wet as this can cause diseases such as rot or mildew. When the vines begin to develop, a layer of mulch will help conserve moisture and control weeds; mulch also will keep the squashes clean and protect them from too much soil contact. By midsummer, pinch off all the blooms to concentrate the plant's energy on the developing squashes.

Harvesting: Squashes can be harvested as soon as the stem begins to dry and the skin becomes too hard to pierce with a fingernail. Because cold weather can damage squashes, they should be harvested before the first frost. Cut the stem with a sharp knife, leaving a 2-3" length." Do not carry the squash by the stem; if the stem breaks off, use it as soon as possible, since this causes the squash to deteriorate quickly. Cure the squashes in the sun or a dry location until the stem shrivels; do not wash the ones you intend to store.