Folding Utility Knife, Steel, 5-3/4 in. L

The Stanley 10-855 5-3/4 inch Folding fixed utility knife features an aluminum design for durability and light weight. It offers a one-handed open/close feature, with tool-free blade changes to make the task Quick and easy for everyone. It also has a stainless-steel belt clip for convenience to keep it close and handy while you are working on projects. It has a 4 inch handle with a 2-7/16 inch blade length. This knife accepts standard utility and hook blades. Backed by Stanley limited lifetime warranty includes 1) knife, and 1) utility blade.

  • Aluminum, lightweight design for durability
  • One-handed open/close
  • Tool-free blade changes
  • Stainless-steel belt clip
  • Uses standard utility and hook blades
  • Quick Change Fixed Blade
  • 1-Handed Open/Close
  • Aluminum Design Is Durable and Lightweight
  • Compatible With Standard Utility and Hook Blades
  • Stainless Steel Belt Clip
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