STANLEY Tape Measure, Auto Lock, 25-Foot (FMHT33338L)

The STANLEY FMHT33338L 25ft FatMax 1-1/4 inch Auto Lock Tape Measure features an Auto Lock mode for control and long blade life, along with a manual mode which allows you to disengage lock for speed marking. The detachable end hook allows user to work efficiently in different conditions, with a Hook Storage feature that securely stores the hook when not in use This tape has an 11' Blade Standout for extended reach and efficiency when using and a blade width of 1-1/4 Inch. It also has Blade Armor coating that enhances the life of the blade by 10X (compared to Stanley 30-419). This tape is made in the USA with global components.

  • 11’ Blade Standout*: For reach and efficiency.
  • BladeArmor: 10X** blade life.
  • Auto Lock Mode: For control and long blade life. Disengage lock for speed marking.
  • Detachable Hook: Allows user to work efficiently in different conditions.
  • 1-1/4-inch Blade Width
  • Features both Auto-Lock mode and Manual mode
  • 11' Blade Standout for reach and efficiency
  • Blade Armor coating for 10X blade life
  • Detachable Hook and Hook Storage
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