Standlee Hay Company Horse Fresh Premium Additive Bedding, 25 lb

Brought to you by the STANDLEE HAY COMPANY, horse fresh is a premium, all-natural bedding additive, which is specifically formulated to reduce odor & moisture in horse bedding. The innovative blend includes zeolite, a mined natural granular additive that eliminates odor by absorbing moisture & ammonia in animal beddings. Extremely effective, using the additive will ultimately extend the overall life of the bedding & is ideal for composting. Offering superior versatility, the powerful blend is also ideal for Repelling flies.

  • Clinoptilolite (Zeolite) Granules: Zeolite, also known as Clinoptilolite, is a sustainable and all-natural mineral. Used in many applications, Zeolite is most commonly used to control moisture, capture odors and neutralize potentially harmful compounds.
  • Environment: Horse Fresh creates a comfortable, dry and nearly odor-free living area easily and sustainably.
  • Recommended For: Livestock, chickens, ducks, game birds, rabbits, pigs, dogs, cats & other small animals.
  • Landscaping Note: Use horse waste and Horse Fresh to augment your garden and flower beds. Standlee recommends consulting a specialist when adding wood shavings to your compost for gardening.
  • Ingredients: Clinoptilolite (Zeolite) Granules
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