Western Premium BBQ 570 Cubic Inch Flavorful Heat Treated Hickory Barbecue Smoking Cooking Wood Chunks for Charcoal Gas and Electric Grills

Bring some hickory flavor to your grilling process with Western Premium BBQ Cooking Wood Chunks. These flavorful chunks bring a whole new level of smokey flavor to all of your favorite grilled foods. Whether it's the classic burgers and wings, or finer cuts like fillets and salmon, these cooking chunks complement any meat of your choice. With 570 cubic inches of large-sized smoking chunks, rest assured there will be enough flavor to go around. These all-natural and authentic hickory wood chunks go well with any charcoal, gas, or electric grills as well as any small or large smokers. When using a charcoal grill, refrain from using lighter fluid in order to retain optimal hickory flavor. If you decide to smoke your meats on a gas or electric grill, be sure to spread the chunks evenly on the grill to retain equal flavor throughout. You'll be a hit at every cookout when you use Western Premium BBQ's Hickory Barbecue Wood Chunks for all of your grilling needs.

  • FLAVORFUL LAYER: Hickory wood chunks add another flavor-filled layer to your favorite grilled eats
  • GRILL AND SMOKER FRIENDLY: Smoking wood chunks work great with any charcoal, gas, or electric grills as well as smokers
  • AUTHENTIC: Made from real hickory wood for an authentic taste
  • VERSATILE: Can be used to cook with a variety of meats including sirloins, fillets, salmon, and briskets
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