Maiz Morado was cultivated in the Peruvian Andes in ancient times and was a staple of the fabled Incan Empire. The large, deep, purple-black kernels form on slender pupple cobs as you see in one of the photos. The color is so intense, it can stain your hands. Sweet, ripe Maiz Morado is the main ingredient in Chichi Morada, Peru’s national drink. I've made it, and it is pretty good. Like all fruits and vegetables with purple coloring, the corn is high in anthocyanins, a powerful anti-oxidant. You can also dry and grind the corn for dark blue corn meal or eat it like sweet corn at the milk stage - though I haven't tried that.The stalks are giant - reaching 8-10 foot and each bears two 8 inch or longer ears, many with bright purple husks. This corn matures later in the season. You need about 100 days. It does fine here, though, on the edge of zones 5 and 6. 80 seeds per packet

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