401+GLOBE GILIA THIMBLE Flower Seeds Native Southwest Wildflower Drought Heat
BLUE GLOBE GILIA aka BLUE THIMBLE FLOWER is a native of the southwest desserts. Maybe one of the prettiest wildflowers ever! It will grow and thrive in just about any soil but prefers sandy well drained areas. It will tolerate full shade but does better with at least 1/2 sun to full sun. Globe Gilia is a easy to grow annual that will reseed itself. The flowers are 12" to 24" tall with a 2" sky blue globe of flowers atop a long stem, excellent for cut flowers. Butterflies, Bees and Hummingbirds all visit the blue globes that are rich in nectar. The bloom time in the wild is April through August. If you plant seed in early spring, you will have blooms from mid-summer into fall. Globe Gilia is cold hardy to about 30F. Globe Gilia is pretty much a carefree plant after seedlings are established. If you live in the warmer parts of the country, you can sow seed every few weeks for blooms all year long. Globe Gilia will also grow in containers without any problem. 400+ Quality seeds. Thanks for stopping in.
Gilia capitata.
Full sun / P. sun.
Spring, soil temp 70F+.
SOW 1/16"deep,3"apart. Keep moist.
Germination 14-21 Days.
Thin to 12".
Height 24" x 12" Wide.
Medium water.
Flowers are violet / blue. Blooms from late spring through fall.
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