This pair of brake shoes from NAPA is designed to fit the 2002-2004 Kia Sedona's rear braking system. The shoes are made of semi-metallic material and come in a pack of four. They feature quiet operation and are compatible with the left and right side of the vehicle. The manufacturer part number for this brake shoe is TS10789 and the OE/OEM part number is 0K56A2638ZA. This item is not considered vintage and is not a performance part. It was made in the United States and has an item width of 2.2 inches. The part number for the interchange is 22624JM and Z789.

Exact item set is shown. New old stock with partial original packaging. Semi metallic. Shoe width 2.2 inches. Made in USA. No returns on installed items or partial sets. Please review our business policies in our store for information regarding returns, shipping and warranties.