26+MAMMOTH BLACK Russian SUNFLOWER Seeds Organic Huge Annual Wildflower Easy

MAMMOTH BLACK RUSSIAN SUNFLOWER is a HUGE plant and Flower. They can get 10 feet tall. They have huge leaves, and a thick, sturdy stalk that will produce a giant 12-16" feathery yellow flower with hundreds of seeds. The seeds are ready when the flower nods and drops its petals. Easy to grow from seed. Pretty much a carefree, drought tolerant plant once the seedlings are established. Water once or twice a week if no rain. Over-watering can cause disease. A little slow-release organic fertilizer will increase seed production. 25+ Organic seeds from Kansas per order. Thank You!

helianthus annuus. 


Spring, soil temp 70F+.

SOW  2 seeds per plant,1" Deep, about 3ft apart. Keep moist.

Germination 7-10 Days.

Thin to single best seedling. Use scissors to cut out unwanted seedlings.

Height 10 -15 ft x 3 ft wide.

Medium water. Compost or organic slow-release fertilizer will increase seed production.

Flowers are yellow. Blooms mid to late summer. Seeds are ready when flower nods.

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