2nd printing. Tight, flat, square books, chips from the spine, bumped corners. Toned pages. 

In the mid-1960's, San Francisco became the hub of a social phenomenon that has evolved over time to change the State of California as well as the Nation. Fueled by LSD, motivated by both the fear of total annihilation in another World War (California actually felt the impact of WW II) and the freedom of discretionary income to spend and a burgeoning music scene that celebrated fun and sun; San Francisco spawned literally hundreds of social experiments.

Some were cults, Some were political scams. Some championed freedom and self expression. Some sought solutions. 

And thus we come to the Simple Living Collective. The Green Revolution did not start in the 21st century. It didn't start here, with this book either, but this group was a watershed in the growth of sustainability and the shucking off of the skin of disposable economy.