Published by Esquire, this marvelous little magazine is full of wonderful ORIGINAL writers, articles, fiction, profiles of the great, the famous and the infamous, and many photography and art features! [EXCLUSIVE More Magazines detailed contents description, BELOW!)
Issue Date:
December 1944; VOL. 17. NO. 2: WHOLE No.08
Featured in THIS issue: This description copyright MOREMAGAZINES. Any unauthorized use is strictly prohibited. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
[RARE and HISTORIC World War II, WWII WARTIME Edition, 168 pages, MANY Pages of beautiful Full Page photographs and gorgeous photographic features -- as well as feature articles, all listed below!]
COVER GIRL: It's hard to believe, in this day and age. But cover girl BARBARA BRITTON, now on contract to Paramount, is out to win the Hollywood Oscar the quiet, earnest way. Reared in a Quaker household, she doesn't smoke, drink, go to night clubs, use much makeup or play gin rummy. For those who feared the wholesome girl was a vanishing American type, photographers Mead- Maddick took this picture of Barbara. Reassuring, isn't it?
What Price Pity for the Germans? ... CURT RIESS.
Most Welcome Call, Collect ... GEROLD FRANK.
From House Fly to Buzz Bomb ... JOHN REDDY. DR CHRISTIAN VOLF tells of his invention that began with a mouse trap. [Interesting article on the inventor!]
Loony Lawsttits ... CLEM AND HELEN WYLE.
Why Bands Go Broke ... BARNEY NAGLER.
The Ghost Came for Christmas ... EARLE BEATTIE. Christmas nightmare for the Louis Hilchie family.
Into the Wild Blue Yonder ... LT. LEN CAREY. American flyers prepared for their historic sweep over Rabaul.
If You Knew What Noises Do ... WILLIAM E. MILES.
Journalism Without Jaundice ... CAROL HUGHES. Profile of the CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR.
Monte Carlo's One-Man Siege ... I. H. HEWSON.
Connolly Corrals the Great ... ALAN HYND. Meet JOE VINCENT CONNOLLY, who has probablyt hired, fired and boossed more world-famous personages than any other man alive today!
Canada: Revolution by Ballot? ... LEE NICHOLS.
So Bad They Were Good ... AVERY HALE. THE CHERRY SISTERS were lemons when it came to acting talent. They just leaped up the ladder of fame by sheer terribleness!
Head Coach to the Handicapped ... SIDNEY CARROLL. This is the story of how GEROGE BEHRENDT repayed a lifetime loan.
The Uncivilized Sourdough ... DON PUGNETTI.
Doing the Movies Up Brown ... STANLEY CRAIG. Mr. CLARENCE BROWN was always a capable director: but when he pulled a box-office hit from a pile of discarded movie scripts, he made film history. With the story of "The Human Comedy".
Mystery of Hilldrop Crescent. ... ARCHIE MC FEDRIES.
How To Skim a Book ... NORMAN LEWIS.
You'll Ride the Troposphere ... HARRY HOYT. ... in the postwar world.
The End Is in Sight ... CHESTER MORRISON.
FOLD-OUT Double Page color photo: Winter Wonderland, from Frederic Lewis.
FOLD-OUT Double Page color photo:PAT CLARK, Christmas Package, Kodachrome by Mead-Maddick.
FOLD-OUT Double Page color photo: Four year old Elizabeth Meador, photo from Frederic Lewis.
FOLD-OUT Double Page color photo: "Sitting Bull" : Butch, photo by Ardean Miller.
Out of This World.
Picture Story: A Pictorial History of the Movies ... DEEMS TAYLOR, BRYANT HALE, and MARCELENE PETERSON. [SIXTEEN Full pages of photographs, all captioned!]
Portfolio of Personalities: Famous Feuds ... EDITH ROBERTS. [Profiles, with drawn portraits, of: Walter Winchell vs. Ben Bernie, Jack Benny vs Fred Allen, Charlie McCarthy vs W. C. Fields, Frances Langford vs Vera Vague, Bing Crosby vs Frank Sinatra.]
I'll Always Remember ... HARVEY WEBER.
Picture Story: The Birmingham Plan. Birmingham Hospital rehabilitation center. [Multiple COLOR photos!]
Picture Story: Spotlight on the Army. [Multiple pages of COLOR PHOTOS!]
Game Book Section.
Book Excerpt: A Tree Grows in Brooklyn ... BETTY SMITH.
Bookette: Animal Treasure ... IVAN T. SANDERSON.
This description copyright MOREMAGAZINES. Any unauthorized use is strictly prohibited. 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Each listed above is of at least one page, most average 3 pages. MOST are original articles. This wonderful little magazine is guaranteed to be a gratifying read. (Or we'll buy it back!) There is no better Birthday gift or Anniversary present than a copy of this marvelous vintage magazine -- it captures the time perfectly!
This DIGEST (approx. 6"X9") sized magazine is COMPLETE and in VERY GOOD condition. (See photo)