Trees and shrubs from the Ebony family live for hundreds of years, differ in appearance, shape and shade of fruits. Although the first persimmons were cultivated by the Chinese, the largest berries surprise varieties grown in South America. In the countries of Transcaucasia and Greece, trees with miniature fruits weighing less than 50 grams are planted. Israeli breeders have created a seedless Sharon. Growing persimmons is not so difficult to do, if you know the characteristics of the selected variety.
Trees from the Ebony family reach 15 meters in height, shrubs — 5. The oval leaves of the persimmon, which are pointed at the ends, fall off every year. The outer side of them is shiny, and the inner side is matte. The diameter of the fruit in some varieties is only 2 cm, in others it reaches 15. The berries hang on the tree when there are no leaves at all, which turn a bright red color before falling, but the plant does not remain without them for long.
How the fruit looks depends on the stage of maturation, and on the variety. In a ripe fruit, the skin becomes reddish, and the flesh becomes like jelly, loses its tart taste. There are 5-7 seeds in the berries, but hybrids may not have grains.