24 Volume Fiction Library. In Russian/Biblioteka fantastiki v 24-kh tomakh. Volumes 01,02,03,04,05,06,07,081,09,15,16,17,181,182,19,20,22,23,24. M. Raduga. MIR.Pravda.Childrens literature. 1986-1989. T.1- Russian fiction of the 19th-early 20th century., T. 2-Tolstoy A. Aelita. Hyperboloid of engineer Garina.T.3-Obruchev V. Plutoniya. Sannikovs Land, T. 4-Belyaev A. Selected works of art. T.5-Efremov I. Starships. Andromeda Nebula, T.6-Soviet fiction of the 1920s-40s. Please contact us for details on condition of available copies of the book. SKUalbce707b4342ec598f.