Borzyak E. I., Bocharov V. Ya., Volkova L. I. et al. Human anatomy. In two volumes. In Russian/Borzyak E. I., Bocharov V. Ya., Volkova L. I. i dr. Anatomiya cheloveka. V dvukh tomakh. Edited by M. R. Sapin. Edition 2, revised and supplemented by M. Medicine, 1993. 544 and 560 p. Weight 1430 g. (ISBN: 5-225-00878-X 522500878) The textbook presents information about the structure of the body. Volume 1 describes the history of anatomy, general questions of the functional anatomy of human beings and modern information about the structure of the musculoskeletal system. Data on the X-ray anatomy of skeletons, etc., are presented in Volume 2, data on the structure, topography and functions of internal organ systems. The textbook is illustrated with original drawings. Please contact us for details on condition of available copies of the book. SKUalb8f734d8a5642bac6.