Barry Cunliffe Sir Barrington Windsor Barry Cunliffe: Europe Between the Oceans: Themes and Variations, 9000 BC-AD 1000 Europe Between the Oceans: Themes and Variations: 9000 BC-1000 AD. In Russian/Barry Cunliffe Ser Barrington Vindzor «Barri» Kanliff. Europe Between the Oceans: Themes and Variations, 9000 BC “ AD 1000 Evropa mezhdu okeanami: Temy i variatsii: 9000 g. do n. e.-1000 g.n. e. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 2008, IX, 518 p.Please contact us for details on condition of available copies of the book. SKUalba52627755f7271fa.