Agapius, Inok of Crete (Athanasius Land). Salvation of sinners. Compiled by Agapius, the monk of Crete, who fought on the Holy Mount Athos (1641). In Russian/Agapiy, inok Kritskiy (Afanasiy Land). Greshnikov spasenie. Sostavlena obshchedostupnoy rechyu Agapiem, inokom Kritskim, podvizavshimsya na Svyatoy Gore Afon (1641 god). Printed on the basis of the Venetian edition of 1851. Translated from the Greek by A. Markov. Illustrations by St. John Vran, monk of Svyatogorsk. Circulation 7000 copies. Eparchy of Edinet-Brichan, 2003. 496 p.Please contact us for details on condition of available copies of the book. SKUalbf7dca345b99959bf.