This listing is for one brand new starter solenoid relay. Check compatibility list to see if it fits your model. Also fits the following models: 2004 Victory Kingpin - all options 2004 Victory Touring Cruiser - all options 2004 Victory Victory Vegas - all options 2005 Victory Kingpin/Ness - all options 2005 Victory Touring Cruiser - all options 2005 Victory Victory Hammer - all options 2005 Victory Victory Vegas - all options (V05AB16/EC16/GB16) 2006 Victory Kingpin - all options (V06CB26CA) 2006 Victory Touring Cruiser - all options (V06TB16CA) 2006 Victory Vegas Jackpot - all options (V06XB26) 2006 Victory Victory Hammer - all options (V06HB26) 2006 Victory Victory Vegas 8 Ball/Vegas - all options (V06AB26CA) 2007 Victory Hammer - all options (V07HB26/HS26) 2007 Victory Jackpot/Ness - all options (V07XB26/BC26) 2007 Victory Kingpin/Tour - all options (V07CB26/CD26) 2007 Victory Vegas/Vegas 8 Ball - all options (V07AB26/GB26) 2008 Victory Hammer - all options (V08HB26/HS26) 2008 Victory Jackpot - all options (V08BC26/XB26) 2008 Victory Kingpin/Kingpin 8 Ball/Kingpin Tour - all options (V08CB26/CD26/PB26) 2008 Victory Vegas/Vegas 8 Ball/Vegas Low - all options (V08AB26/GB26/LB26) 2008 Victory Vison - all options (V08SB36/SD36) 2009 Victory Hammer/Hammer Sport - all options (V09HB36/HS36) 2009 Victory Jackpot/Ness Jackpot - all options (V09XB36/XC36) 2009 Victory Kingpin/Kingpin Touring/Kingpin Low/Kingp (V09CB26/CD26/KB26/PB26) 2009 Victory Vegas/Vegas 8 Ball/Vegas Low - all options (V09AB26/GB26/LB26) 2009 Victory Vison Street/Ness/Touring/10th Ann. (V09SB36/SC36/SD36/SZ36) 2010 Victory Cross Country/Cross Roads - all options (V10DB36DA/EB36DA) 2010 Victory Hammer/Sport/8 Ball - all options (V10HB36DD/HS36DC/BB26DA) 2010 Victory Jackpot - all options (V10XB36DAP/LKP/XC36DN) 2010 Victory Kingpin - all options (V10CB26/PB26) 2010 Victory Vegas/Vegas 8 Ball - all options (V10AB26/LB26) 2010 Victory Vison Tour Premium/Ness/8 Ball - all options (V10SD36/SC36/VB36) 2011 Victory Cross Roads Custom/Cross Country - all options (V11BB36/DB36/DC36/EB36) 2011 Victory Hammer - all options (V11HA36/HB36/HS36) 2011 Victory Jackpot - all options (V11XB36) 2011 Victory Kingpin - all options (V11CA36/CB36) 2011 Victory Vegas/8 Ball/Ness - all options (V11GA36/GB36/GC36) 2011 Victory Vision - all options (V11SW36/SA36/AW36) 2012 Victory Cross Country - all options (V12TW36/DW36/KW36) 2012 Victory Cross Roads - all options (V12BW36/EW36) 2012 Victory Hammer S/8 Ball - all options (V12HS36/HA36) 2012 Victory Highball (V12WB36NA) 2012 Victory Jackpot - all options (V12XB36) 2012 Victory Kingpin (V12CB36NP/NPC/NPA) 2012 Victory Vegas/8 Ball/Zness - all options (V12GB36/GA36/ZB36) 2012 Victory Vision/Aness - all options 2013 Victory Boardwalk - all options - V13RB36 2013 Victory Cross Country/Touring - all options - V13DW36/TW/KW/ZW 2013 Victory Cross Roads Classic/Hard-Ball - all options - V13BW36/EW36 2013 Victory Hammer 8 Ball/S INTL - V13HA36/HS36 2013 Victory Highball - all options - V13WB36 2013 Victory Jackpot - all options - V13XB36 2013 Victory Judge - all options - V13MB36 2013 Victory Vegas 8 Ball - all options - V13GA36 2013 Victory Vision/Aness - all options - V13SW36/AW36 2014 Victory Cross Country/ Touring / 15th Anniversary - all options 2014 Victory Hammer 8 Ball / S Intl / S LE Intl 2014 Victory Highball - all options 2014 Victory Jackpot - all options 2014 Victory Judge - all options 2014 Victory Vegas 8-Ball 2014 Victory Vision - all options Package include: 1 X starter solenoid relay. |
Shipping and Handling: | |