Fabre dOlivet. Philosophical history of the human race or Man, examined in a social state in its political and religious relations, in all epochs and among the different peoples of the earth. Prepared with an introductory dissertation on the motives and subject of this work. In Russian./Fabr dOlive. Filosofskaya istoriya Chelovecheskogo roda ili Cheloveka, rassmotrennaya v sotsialnom sostoyanii v svoikh politicheskikh i religioznykh vzaimootnosheniyakh, vo vse epokhi i u raznykh narodov zemli. Predvarennaya vvodnoy dissertatsiey o motivakh i predmete dannogo truda St. Petersburg Aleteiya 2009. 432p. Please contact us for details on condition of available copies of the book. SKUalbb83dbe87b7d69769.