Fleveling (Fleveling) Lynne. The World of the Night Strangers. Tamir Triad-Cycle-3 Volumes. Set. 1. A rag dolls twin. 2. The Secret Warrior. 3. The Return of the Queen. In Russian./Flevelling ( Fleveling) Linn. Mir Nochnykh strannikov. Tamirskaya triada-tsikl-3 toma. Komplekt. 1. Bliznets tryapichnoy kukly. 2. Taynyy voin. 3. Vozvrashchenie korolevy. M., S.-P. Exmo, Domino, 2009. 544 and 592 and 608p. Masters of Sword and Magic-series. Please contact us for details on condition of available copies of the book. SKUalb888c11a68d3eab8d.