Farmer Philip. Philip Farmers Worlds. Volumes 1-17. There are 17 books in total. In Russian./Farmer Filip. Miry Filipa Farmera. Toma 1-17. Vsego 17 knig. Polaris 1996-1997. Volume 1-Creator of the Universe. Gate of creation. Volume 2-Personal cosmos. Outside Terra. Volume 3-Lavalite world. Red Orks wrath. Volume 4-More than fire. World of one day. Volume 5-World of one day: Riot. World of one day: Dissolution. Volume 6-B of your scattered bodies return. Fabulous steamer. Volume 7-Dark thoughts. Volume 8-Magical maze. Volume 9-Gods of Myra River. Volume 10-River of Eternity. River World. Up the Bright River. Code. Volume 11-Love of evil. End of time. Please contact us for details on condition of available copies of the book. SKUalb29c54e7bd5630596.