Included is One(1) Bag of Dr. Earth Life - 1 Pound
- Contains TruBiotic®
- 5-5-5 NPK
- No GMOs, chicken manure, sewage sludge (Biosolids) to taint the cleanliness or safety of our handcrafted blend
- 1 lb MINIS® pouch
- Ideal for organic vegetable gardens
- Feed container plants every 6 weeks to keep plants healthy and strong with maximum production
- Makes compost tea - use as soil drench or foliar spray
- MycoApply Certified-the independent seal of approval that guarantees mycorrhizae is in our fertilizer
- 100% organic & natural hand crafted blend
- Apply a generous helping to existing gardens, as directed, or at time of planting or transplanting
- Excellent for use in raised beds during transplanting, sowing seeds, or even mid-season for a nutritional boost to maximize your harvest
- Target pH 6.5
- People and pet safe
- No GMOs, chicken manure, sewage sludge ("Biosolids") to taint the cleanliness or safety of our handcrafted blend