Marty Stouffer's Wild America was a groundbreaking television series that showcased the stunning natural beauty and diverse wildlife of North America. Produced and hosted by the award-winning naturalist Marty Stouffer, the series offered audiences an intimate look at the continent's most iconic species and their habitats.

Key Features:

Intimate Wildlife Encounters: The series was renowned for its close-up footage of animals in their natural environments. Stouffer often spent extended periods of time observing and filming wildlife, capturing their unique behaviors and interactions.

Breathtaking Scenery: Wild America showcased the stunning landscapes of North America, from the rugged mountains and vast forests to the tranquil coastlines and deserts.

Educational Content: Beyond the captivating visuals, the series also provided valuable information about the animals and ecosystems featured. Stouffer often explained the ecological significance of various species and the challenges they faced.

Conservation Message: Wild America emphasized the importance of preserving North America's natural heritage. Stouffer highlighted the threats faced by many species and encouraged viewers to become involved in conservation efforts.


Marty Stouffer's Wild America had a significant impact on popular culture and environmental awareness. The series introduced millions of viewers to the wonders of the natural world and inspired many to appreciate and protect it. It also played a vital role in raising awareness about conservation issues and promoting environmental education.