Today's B2B buyer is more in-control, cautious and economic-focused - delaying purchase decisions and demanding steep discounts. In the face of a more frugal buyer, sales reps and marketers are evolving from pitching products to articulating value in order to effectively communicate and quantify the buyer s challenges and the value of proposed solutions. However, the passage from product to value has not been an easy one for most.

What if you had a roadmap to guide you on this difficult journey?

The Frugalnomics Survival Guide is designed to help you navigate from pitching products to marketing and selling with value, fueling your expedition, highlighting the best path, and illuminating the dangers so you can survive the journey.

With this guide you will be able to reshape your content marketing, sales enablement strategies and customer conversations to get buyer attention, motivate interest, drive quicker decisions and reduce discounting. You ll have the opportunity to learn directly from leading analysts at SiriusDecisions and IDC, and learn from the success and pitfalls of those who have already completed the passage including: ADP, Workday and Shoretel.

The definitive guide on using your unique value to market better, stand out and sell more:

- Gain Buyer Attention - Break through the noise and short attention spans to better connect, engage and nurture prospects.

- Accelerate Sales Cycles - Gain consensus from buying committees and facilitate the buyer s journey to reduce the trend towards purchase decisions taking longer.

- Motivate Customers from Status Quo - Help ignite purchase decisions, providing the emotional and rational justification to make your proposal a priority.

- Reduce Discounting - Get buyers to realize your value versus focus on purchasing at the lowest price.

Designed for Sales executives, Marketing leaders, Value consultants / engineers and Sales Enablement professionals, this value marketing and selling guide has practical advice and step-by-step worksheets to help improve your sales and marketing effectiveness.

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