Russia and Gnosis. Proceedings of International Scientific Conferences. 2 Vol.1: An Early Christian Gnostic Text in Russian Culture. Vol. 2: The Fates of Nikolai Novikovs Religious and Philosophical Quest and His Circle. In Russian/Rossiya i gnozis. Trudy Mezhdunarodnykh nauchnykh konferentsiy. V 2-kh tt. T. 1: Rannekhristianskiy gnosticheskiy tekst v rossiyskoy kulture. T. 2: Sudbv religiozno-filosofskikh iskaniy Nikolaya Novikova i ego kruga. Rev. A. L. Rychkov. S.Pb.RKhGA 2015. 407 and 432 p. Please contact us for details on condition of available copies of the book. SKUalb02340138c7fc1bd1.