SYST 500 Seeds Northeast Wildflower Mix 19 Stunning Seed Catalog Home Garden 

This stunning wildflower mix is formulated an ideal for states in the Northeast region which includes DE, MD, ME, NH, NJ, NY, PA, RI, VT, and WV. In all there are 19 different annuals, biennials and perennials:

18% Baby's Breath, Annual

14% Wallflower, Siberian

11% Flax, Scarlet

10% Coreopsis, Lance Leaved

7% Cornflower, Tall Blue

7% Coneflower, Purple

7% Lupine, Perennial

4% Daisy, Shasta

3% Pinks, Sweet William

3% Larkspur, Rocket

3% Indian Blanket

2% Snapdragon

2% Gayfeather

2% Catchfly

1% Beardtongue, Hairy

1% Black-eyed Susan

0.50% Aster, New England

0.50% Sweet Alyssum, Tall White

Seed count is extremely approximate due to variety of sizes in seed mix. Weight is EXACT

Collected: 9/23

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