The Unfathomable Chanel Lisa Minelli Jacqueline Princess Diana Goddess of the Marquess of the Angels or Angelicas Heart. Greta Garbo Vivien Lee Galina Ulanova Audrey Sweetheart of Terror Mata Hari Catherine the Great Gala Marlen Dietrich Stalins Daughter Anna Herman Do not cry, Cossack. Love Orlov. In Russian /Nepostizhimaya Shanel Layza Minelli Zhaklin Printsessa Diana Boginya Markiza angelov ili serdtse Anzheliki. Greta Garbo Viven Li Galina Ulanova Odri Vozlyublennaya terrora Mata Khari Ekaterina Velikaya Gala Marlen Ditrikh Doch Stalina Anna German Ne plach, kazachka. Lyubov Orlova. A series: A Myth Woman. Smolensk Rusich 1995-2000. 1. Charles-Roux E. The Unfathomable Chanel 2. Mair D. Liza Minelli. A Story of Life 3. Kelly Kitty. Jacqueline 4. Berry V. Princess Diana 5. Summers Anthony. Goddess. The Mysteries of Life and Death of Marilyn Monroe 6. Mercier Michel. Marchiza Angelov, or Angelikas Broken Heart 7. Bona Dominique. Gala: Muse of Artists and Poets 8. Bach S. Marlen Dietrich. Life and Legend 9. Vickers Hugo. Greta Garbo and Her Lovers 10. Walker Alexander. Vivien Lee. Love Story of Life 11. Kravchenko T. Galina Ulanova 12. Walker Alexander. Audrey. Please contact us for details on condition of available copies of the book. SKUalb074f2b7091fb05cd