Yaupon Holly is ALL over our farms.

To make room for new beds, we must drastically trim back the 30 ft tall by 30 ft wide old growth on the properties.
We used to burn them after cutting. We really liked the cracking sound the leaves made!
Then we did a little research and brewed a few batches of tea. Now, we don't go a day without it.
How blessed we are to have these plants all over!

Yaupon is the only naturally caffeinated plant that grows in the USA.
Confederate soldiers brewed this tea every morning as a coffee substitute.

The Yaupon Holly Tree is moderately hard to start from seed, but very hardy once established.
Thousands of tiny white flowers in spring make way to small red berries in the early winter.
Bees and other insects just love the flowers.

There are many different Yaupon Holly variations out there - Dwarf, Variegated, Weeping, etc.
But this is not it. These seeds are Florida Native Yaupon Holly.
It grows more like a bush at first, then it grows tall like a tree.
Some old growth trees on our farm are 30 ft wide by 30 ft tall.