Michael Swanwick. Darger and Davesok. A FULL CYCLE UNDER A SONG For the first time, two stories in the main body and four in miniature have been translated, all names have been checked, and the authors epigraph and preface have been translated In Russian /Maykl Suenvik. Darger i Davesok. POLNYY TsIKL POD ODNOY OBLOZhKOY Vpervye perevedeny dva rasskaza v osnovnoy chasti i chetyre v miniatyurakh, svereny vse imena, tak zhe pereveden epigraf i predislovie avtora. Sdelana pravilnaya raskladka rasskazov Masterpieces of MDF fiction 672s. Please contact us for details on condition of available copies of the book. SKUalbc3568a121b41614c