Gennady Mutovin. Clinical Genetics. Genomics and Proteomics of Hereditary Pathology. In Russian /Mutovin Gennadiy. Klinicheskaya genetika. Genomika i proteomika nasledstvennoy patologii. The book considers the basic provisions and concepts of clinical genetics, taking into account the results of the international scientific programme on the human genome (1988-2005). The history, provisions, concepts and achievements of clinical genetics are presented, the features of metabolism in the cell and the body as a whole, the ways of managing metabolism, the characteristics of receptors and signaling molecules, and their role in the formation of hereditary pathology.The main attention is paid to the etiology, pathogenesis, approaches to diagnosis, treatment and prevention of hereditary pathology. The manual includes diseases of non-traditional heritage: accumulation, genomic memory, mitochondrial, peroxisome, prion, and expansion of nucleotide repeats. Please contact us for details on condition of available copies of the book. SKUalb520e537b0ade96b6