Miskov Viktor. Captain Miskov. The philosophy of the leader. An autobiographical book of reflections, recollections, reflections on the Motherland, on Destiny, on the sea. In Russian /Miskov Viktor. Kapitan Miskov. Filosofiya lidera. Avtobiograficheskaya kniga razdumiy, vospominaniy, razmyshleniy ob Otchizne, o Sudbe, o more Project coordinator and literary editor of the book Nina Dzhidzhavadze, the author of a mock-up of the famous seaside artist Gennady Kungurov. Photo by A. Dmitriev, A. Popov, N. Dzhidzhavadze, S. Kungurov. Vladivostok. 144 p. Please contact us for details on condition of available copies of the book. SKUalbafa18b52a17297f2