Mann Thomas. A collection of essays in ten (10) volumes. In Russian /Mann Tomas. Sobranie sochineniy v desyati (10-ti) tomakh. Edited by N. N. Wilmont and B. L. Suchkov. Translated from German. Introductory article by B. Suchkov. Notes by L. Miller-Budnitskaya, V. Golant and S. Barsky. Designed by the artist V. Maxin. M. GIHL (Goslitizdat) 1959-1961. Photo after order Weight of the kit 6830 g Contents: Volume 1. Buddenbroki. History of the death of one family. Volume 2. Royal Highness. Lot in Weimar. Volume 3. Magical Mountain. Volume 4. Magical Mountain (end). Volume 5. Dr. Faustus. Volume 6. The Elect. Confessions of the adventurer Felix Krul. Volume 7. Little Mr. Friedemann, Death in Venice, Pajac and others. Volume 8. Tales and Storie Please contact us for details on condition of available copies of the book. SKUalb40376d3bbcda0061