Makarova-Mirskaya A., Rerberg S. I., Canfield G. et al. Library of the family and schools. Books 1-6 (set of six books): 1. Caritas. 2. Winter bamboo. 3. School reception. 4. Mara and Petro. 5. Gvozdychkis wedding. 6. Ben. In Russian /Makarova-Mirskaya A., Rerberg S.I., Kenfild G. i dr. Biblioteka semi i shkoly. Knizhki 1-6 (komplekt iz shesti knig): 1. Karitas. 2. Zimniy bambuk. 3. Shkolnyy priemysh. 4. Mara i Petro. 5. Svadba Gvozdichki. 6. Ben. Library of Family and Schools. M. Typo-lithography of the Russian Print and Publishing Association. Cases 1915. Library of Family and Schools. Books 1-6 for 1915: 1) Makarova-Mirskaya A.-Caritas. Tale from modern life in Belgium. 2) Winter Bamboo. Japanese legend. With French M.V. Telichev. With 3 figures. 3) School primer. Tale. Translated from English by E.L. with drawings. 4) Mara and Petro. Tradition. Tale by S.I. Roerberg. 5) Wedding by Gvozdicka. Tale in IV Acts by Eliza Belovich-Bernadzikovskaya. Translation from Serbian by N. Novich Please contact us for details on condition of available copies of the book. SKUalb4da265fa42bd204c