* Lavender Vera is an heirloom English variety, and is the most popular choice amongst top gardeners!
*Lavender Vera is gaining popularity due to it being recognized, by many, as a great mosquito and insect repellent! Just plant this Non-GMO compact variety all around the perimeter of the area you want to minimize Mosquitoes and other pesky insects.
* Lavender becomes very drought tolerant as it matures.
* Lavender Vera is a wonderful plant for containers with its compact growing habit.
* Lavender Vera has been popular for decades because it's quite disease resistant, superb grower and highly fragrant.
* Lavender is one of the most popular plants in the world and rightfully so because it's great in the landscape and should be grown in everyone's garden and plant containers!
* Lavender is famous for its ability to withstand drought and thrives in drier conditions like California.
* You'll notice Lavender, quite often, in parking lot islands which are some of the most inhospitable places for plants and Lavender thrives showing its toughness!
* Lavender is probably most famous for its wonderful aromatic smell and is used in everything from Perfumery, Potpourris, Satchets, Teas and drink flavoring.
* Lavender will perform wonderfully in a container garden or window box. It'd do awesome on an apartment balcony or small space.
* Lavender is also excellent for rock or gravel gardens where the rocky porous soil will help it to thrive.