This DVD, titled "As A Man Thinketh" is a powerful and inspiring documentary-drama created by Jon Miller. The film, released in 2017, features a jewel case and is in NTSC video format with an aspect ratio of 16:9. The DVD is rated NR and has English subtitles with a sub-genre of spiritual. The movie stars Carrie Lauren, J.C, Stuart and is produced by Jon Miller. It is a standard edition with a DVD region code of 1 (US, Canada...). The features of this DVD include widescreen and it is a great addition to any collection.

With his professional and personal life in turmoil, Jimmy's life takes an unexpected turn as the transformative teachings of an antique book help him realize how his thoughts are, in fact, shaping his world. Insightful documentary interviews with renowned authors, speakers, and ministers are used throughout the film to highlight the powerful message of the book - that our thoughts are the creative force in our lives.

DVD is in good condition.Came from a estate Has a plastic cover for DVD Case Disc is in good condition with no scratches
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