Medaenas Monograph on the Arts Tutankhamen Limited Edition 1978 
Very Good Condition!

 A great homeschool resource!

The Medaenas Monograph on the Arts: Tutankhamen is a limited-edition publication from 1978. This monograph, part of a series produced by The Artist’s Limited Edition, produced in collaboration with notable institutions like the Metropolitan Museum of Art. focuses on the craftsmanship in gold during the reign of King Tutankhamen. It was authored by Cyril Aldred. This monograph is a valuable resource for those interested in ancient Egyptian art and history.

Artist's Limited Edition 1978
12 + pages.
Ads and pullout intact.

13.5" x 10.25"
Medaenas Monograph on the Arts made possible from funds provided by Boehringer Ingelheim LTD.

Vivid color imagery
Text throughout