Encyclopedia of Military Art series. Set of 15 books In Russian /Seriya Entsiklopediya voennogo iskusstva. Komplekt 15 knig Compilers: Petrov, Sokolov, Kryukov, Nenakhov, Gordienko, etc. Minsk Literature 1997-1998. 1. Military symbolism., 2. Military intelligence operations. 3.Generalissimusy.4. Commanders of the Second World War. 5. Military intelligence of the 20th century. 6. Marshals and admirals. 7. Heroes of Russia. 8. Airborne troops in the Second World War. 9. Wars of the Second Half of the 20th Century. 10.Frontier forces. 11.Special purpose troops. 12.Commanders of the Second World War. 13.Sniper. 14.Military sailors and submarines of the 20th century. 15.Military pilots: Asses of the Second World War.Please contact us for details on condition of available copies of the book. SKUalb60ba48ed9bf159b7